Welcome to the new website for Dizzy
Dean Baseball and Dizzy Dean Softball.
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is a change to rules/procedures, announcements,
important events, explanations/clarifications, etc., it
will be listed on this page.
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Decertified Bats
immediately, the bats depicted below have been
decertified by USA Baseball and are no longer approved
for play in leagues that have adopted the USABat
Standard, including but not limited to the American
Amateur Baseball Congress (AABC), Babe Ruth & Cal Ripken
Baseball, Dixie Youth & Dixie Boys Baseball, Little
League Baseball, NABF Baseball, and PONY Baseball.
On January 1,
2018, USA Baseball implemented the USABat Standard for
non-wood youth baseball bats. Under USABat, approved
bats that feature the USA Baseball mark are performance
tested and required to perform at a wood-like standard.
The bats listed below have been compliance tested and
ruled non-compliant under the USABat Standard.
representatives are asked to check your team’s bats and
withhold these bats from play if your team is in
possession of any. League administrators are asked to
share this information with your umpires. If any of
these bats are attempted to be used during competition,
it should be considered an illegal bat and subject to
league rules regarding the use of illegal or unapproved
30-Inch Easton Ghost X (-10) 2 5/8” (YBB18GX10 &

The Easton Ghost X
30/20 YBB18GX10 and LL18GHX 30/20 2 5/8” has been
decertified by USA Baseball and is no longer an approved
bat under the USABat Standard. This applies to the 30”
(-10) length of the Ghost X YBB18GX10 and LL18GHX. All
other certified lengths and drops of the Easton Ghost X
USABat remain approved for play. A full list of approved
bats can be found at
Customer Information:
Any questions regarding returns, refunds or warranty
claims for the Easton Ghost X 30/20 should be directed
to Easton via email at
or at
Any questions regarding this decertification may be
directed to USA Baseball at
Dizzy Dean Baseball has adopted the USA Baseball pitch
counts and rest periods for the upcoming season.
These pitch counts and rest periods are mandatory and
must be strictly followed during seasonal play and
during district, state, and world series play.
rule 6:03
Each league must designate the scorekeeper or another
game official as the official pitch count recorder. In
league play it is recommended that the team bookkeepers
maintain the pitch count and sync the pitch count at the
end of every inning. In tournament play it is
recommended that the bookkeepers sync with the
scorekeeper at the end of every inning and when a
pitching change is made. The pitch count recorder must
provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when
requested by either manager or by any umpire. However,
the manager is responsible for knowing when his/her
pitcher must be removed. The official pitch count
recorder should inform the umpire in chief when a
pitcher has delivered his/hers maximum limit of pitches
for the game. The umpire in chief will inform the
pitchers manager that the pitcher must be removed.
However, the failure by the pitch count recorder to
notify the umpire in chief and/or the failure of the
umpire in chief to notify the manager does not relieve
the manager of his/her responsibility to remove the
pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible.
rule 6:04Violation of any section of this regulation can
result in protest of the game in which it occurs.
Click Here For Pitch Count Table
Changes in bat standards effective 2018
read more
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has endorsed and supports each
States laws relating to Concussion training and
education in youth sports. In addition to the
“Official” wording (below), a link has been placed on
the Dizzy Dean National Website (left hand column of
every web page) taking you to the Sadler Insurance Risk
Management web page. There, you will be able to find
the law, as it is written, for your state, find
information for concussion training and find information
in setting up a concussion management system for your
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. strongly recommends that all
teams/leagues adopt and implement a concussion risk
management program that keys in on training and
education for staff, parents, and players in the areas
of understanding concussions and their impact on health;
recognizing concussion signs and symptoms; removal from
play; and return to play protocol. Such a program
normally includes web video training for staff and the
distribution of an information sheet each season to all
staff, parents, and players.