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Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has endorsed and
supports each States laws relating to
Concussion training and education in youth
sports. In addition to the “Official”
wording (below), a link has been placed on
the Dizzy Dean National Website (left hand
column of every web page) taking you to the
Sadler Insurance Risk Management web page.
There, you will be able to find the law, as
it is written, for your state, find
information for concussion training and find
information in setting up a concussion
management system for your park.
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. strongly
recommends that all teams/leagues adopt and
implement a concussion risk management
program that keys in on training and
education for staff, parents, and players in
the areas of understanding concussions and
their impact on health; recognizing
concussion signs and symptoms; removal from
play; and return to play protocol. Such a
program normally includes web video training
for staff and the distribution of an
information sheet each season to all staff,
parents, and players. Guidelines for
developing a plan are available on the Dizzy
Dean website.